Monday, March 30, 2009

Digital stories from last week

Last Thursday, my latest group of advanced English language learners screened their digital stories in the school auditorium. As usual, the stories dealt with a wide range of themes - special or influential people, significant life turning points, favourite pastimes and the challenges of living in another country, to name but a few. The audience laughed, cried and was, above all, impressed.

Here are a couple of those stories, posted here with the permission of the creators:

Yoon's story is about my colleague and friend, Paul Raynis - a teacher who has profoundly affected his life.

Sabina's story touches us with her passion for art.

Yukiko infects us with her enthusiasm for skiing and shows the impact 'Uru' has had on her life.

Jacob tells us how he changed his life and went from 100 to 70 kgs.

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